Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snow, Tires, and SAD

So, I'm aware that I've been MIA lately. No excuse other than I lost my internet connection at home during our winter weather, and I just was lazy.

But, in case you guys want to know what I've been up to lately, here you go!


Oh. My.
The snow that came though came through fast and quick, much like an ex I know (hahaha).

I was at work when the news kept saying "Snow! Snow! Snow!" yet there was nothing falling. At 3pm, a flurry started and my boss told me to head on home (I live an hour away) so I could miss it. Ha. I drove right into it. It took me two hours to get halfway home. And I was stranded at The Man's mother's house... I would have almost enjoyed being stranded on the side of the road than there... Almost. Talks of "The neighbors just moved out, you two should move next door! We could have dinner together throughout the week!" Um, no. And of course, talks about his job, if he makes enough money, and how The Man needs to get a second job came pouring out of her mouth. Does she not see how busy he is already? UGH. Oh...

I got off subject, sorry guys.

The snow is nothing like what they are dealing with up north right now, but for East Tennessee, it was a lot. Power went out. Internet went out (whhhhy?!)

But all in all, I enjoyed being cozy with The Man and Leia.


For weeks now, The Man has been telling me to get new tires. But me, being a cheeeeeeeeeeeap person, has refused. I am about to get (hopefully!) a new car, why waste the money? Yeah. Should have wasted the money.

On my way to work yesterday my car sounded funny. Why? Because I had a flat. The world crashed around me. Seriously. I cannot afford to loose any more hours at work (being snowed in and having to leave early really did a number on my check). I'm already pinching pennies as it is.

The Man has an amazing family. Truly. His father came, took me to pick up The Man's car so I could go to work, then he went back and got me a used tire (just to make it until Tuesday) and fixed everything.

But it didn't stop me from being a complete basket case all damn day. All day.


So, as some of you know, I was diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Doesn't seem like a lot, oh man, the weather gets you down, big deal...

Well, for me it has caused me to have crying fits for no reason, it has intensified my insecurities and it doesn't let me sleep. Guys, I'm a walking zombie.

I'm doing what's asked, tanning visits, B12 shots, Vitamin D supplements, rest, go outside, visit friends/family...

But this stuff is a bitch. Can it be summer yet?

So, what is up with you?!