Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snow, Tires, and SAD

So, I'm aware that I've been MIA lately. No excuse other than I lost my internet connection at home during our winter weather, and I just was lazy.

But, in case you guys want to know what I've been up to lately, here you go!


Oh. My.
The snow that came though came through fast and quick, much like an ex I know (hahaha).

I was at work when the news kept saying "Snow! Snow! Snow!" yet there was nothing falling. At 3pm, a flurry started and my boss told me to head on home (I live an hour away) so I could miss it. Ha. I drove right into it. It took me two hours to get halfway home. And I was stranded at The Man's mother's house... I would have almost enjoyed being stranded on the side of the road than there... Almost. Talks of "The neighbors just moved out, you two should move next door! We could have dinner together throughout the week!" Um, no. And of course, talks about his job, if he makes enough money, and how The Man needs to get a second job came pouring out of her mouth. Does she not see how busy he is already? UGH. Oh...

I got off subject, sorry guys.

The snow is nothing like what they are dealing with up north right now, but for East Tennessee, it was a lot. Power went out. Internet went out (whhhhy?!)

But all in all, I enjoyed being cozy with The Man and Leia.


For weeks now, The Man has been telling me to get new tires. But me, being a cheeeeeeeeeeeap person, has refused. I am about to get (hopefully!) a new car, why waste the money? Yeah. Should have wasted the money.

On my way to work yesterday my car sounded funny. Why? Because I had a flat. The world crashed around me. Seriously. I cannot afford to loose any more hours at work (being snowed in and having to leave early really did a number on my check). I'm already pinching pennies as it is.

The Man has an amazing family. Truly. His father came, took me to pick up The Man's car so I could go to work, then he went back and got me a used tire (just to make it until Tuesday) and fixed everything.

But it didn't stop me from being a complete basket case all damn day. All day.


So, as some of you know, I was diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Doesn't seem like a lot, oh man, the weather gets you down, big deal...

Well, for me it has caused me to have crying fits for no reason, it has intensified my insecurities and it doesn't let me sleep. Guys, I'm a walking zombie.

I'm doing what's asked, tanning visits, B12 shots, Vitamin D supplements, rest, go outside, visit friends/family...

But this stuff is a bitch. Can it be summer yet?

So, what is up with you?!

Monday, January 7, 2013

House broken?

 My puppy holds my heart (when The Man isn't around at least).

She is such a spaz. She loves soft blankets and will make any excuse in the world to be able to be next to a person with a soft blanket. Peanut butter is her weakness. Dryer sheets are an addiction (I swear, she can find those suckers anywhere). And she is officially potty trained! Woot! *Dancing like crazy!*

But 12 hours ago, my dog pissed me off.

She made me so angry that I couldn't look at her.

She did this:

Yes, that is my Christmas tree, laying on the floor.

I was in the kitchen, washing dishes (insert sexist joke now) and Leia was playing with the fruit juice bottle. She loves empty bottles. Also, as a side note (because my brain has ADD moments) she has not once EVER touched the Christmas trees. Ever. She would lay under them, but for curiosity purposes, nothing. She didn't care they were even in the house.

Back to the crash. I don't know what happened. I honestly wish I did. But I don't have the slightest idea.

All I know is that when I came running in, I found that, and Leia trying to get into her cage. So, to absorb the craziness, I put her in her cage and looked around.

Not much was broken. Actually, only one thing was, and that's what upset me the most. It was an ornament that The Man's nephew made us. He was so proud (he's only 2) and made it himself by painting on an ornament. The Man loved it. Truly, he loves his nephew in a way that fathers love their own children, and I love him for that.

I hated breaking the news to The Man. But he came home (it happened while he was on his way home from work), helped me clean up, and played with Leia. He wasn't as mad as I was and already has planned to have his nephew over to make a new one. Such love and patience. I love that man.

So, the question I have for you is this:

Has your pet ever broken anything? Was it special to you in some way? Details people. Details.

This is the innocent face:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Insecure much?

I am a female.

This in no way SHOULD describes the way my brain works. But in most cases, it does.

I am insecure.

Whew. Glad I got that off my chest.

I have some serious insecurities that hinder any joy in my life. I like to call my brain the joy sucker... haha, sucker...

Anyway, I worry that I am not good, pretty, fit, smart, tall, short, worthy, generous, proud, energetic, (and a whole lot more words that fit this blank)... enough.

I could be at work kicking ass and taking names like always, and something a coworker might say or do will knock me down as if a giant force of judgmental thoughts from their facial expression hit me.

I could be spending time with my man and a Victoria's Secret model shows up on the TV. Then the wave of "he-wants-that-more-than-this" covers me like a blanket.

I could be on Facebook and see that friends of mine went out and didn't invite me. Then, the brick of "you-suck-to-be-around" slams me in the face.

And then the spiral of doubt and worry over takes me.

Then I eat loads of chocolate and beg my man for sex. How about you?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 say what?

Well hey there guys! I haven't talked to you since last year!! (knee slap...)

I'm not big on resolutions or anything but this year I decided on two (big dreamer, right?)

1. I am going to use my crock pot more and my wallet less. Cutting out fast food and cooking more is going to be tough, but for my future health, I'm doing it. Fast food makes me feel dreary and like a brick, just weighed down. Eating home cooked meals always makes me happier and more energetic, soooooo here goes nothing!

2. Any type of physical altercation between me and The Man (tee hee) in the bedroom results in $1 in our Honeymoon Jar. We are not engaged as of yet, so please hold your congrats for us. I can honestly say though, I cannot wait for it to happen haha! He is the man of my dreams, and I am the woman of his (at least he says that ALL the time... crazy fool) We wanted to think of a fun way to save money for ourselves to treat ourselves, and this is what we came up with. Also, The Man's point of view about it is that it's us being cheap prostitutes. Hey, whatever floats your boats guys...

So, yes, two resolutions and so far (on day two of the New Year) I have successfully followed both of them. Yippee!!!

Now, I found this 'quiz' on a blog site that I love and I wanted to fill it out to see how my 2012 was and I wanted to share it with you all as well. Feel free to fill this out also (if you have time) and post it below in the comments, or pick on question and answer it! Let's all get to know each other just a bit :)

1. What did you do in 2012 that you’d never done before?
Introduced The Man to my biological father. No guy in my life has EVER had that much of an honor. (This guy is special, I'm telling you!)
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I didn't make any last year, but as you see above, I've already added two to my list.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

My cousin.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No. I am hands down a very lucky girl to have everyone I love and care about still with me.
5. What countries did you visit?
I stayed pretty well kept in the US. I traveled a lot though. I went to Florida, drove from Tennessee to Colorado, went camping in New York and spent Christmas in North Carolina.
6. What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
Better drive and ambittion. I want to earn what I make instead of doing the least amount to get by. I want a job closer to home (currently I drive an hour to work and an hour home each day). I would like to go back to school full time this fall, but I know that one won't happen with my bank account the way it is. Here's to dreaming big!
7. What dates from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
May 7th. The Man and I's first date.
August 17th The Man and I moved in together.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Being offered a full time job without holding the required degree for that said job. Yeah, they offered it to me! I was so stinkin' happy! A pay raise, benefits and vacation pay. Hot diggity dog!
9. What was your biggest failure?
In the beginning of the year I had my biggest failure by letting myself be in a relationship that was unhealthy to my growth as a human being. My insecurities were not a priority and my self worth went out the window. I truly hate thinking of that time just because I was so blind and stupid in thinking that that situation was the best one I would ever be in. Then The Man came along, rescued my heart (which he honestly had no idea it needed rescuing) and I've been fighting butterflies everyday since!
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Well, I am accident prone. I hit my head more often than not. I burn myself almost every time I cook. But, not MAJOR injuries happened. Last month I had the flu and I thought I was going to die.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Now, one thing you should know is, I don't buy for myself a lot. I like buying for others, some times too much. So, the best thing I bought was a pedicure and manicure (first one I had ever had) for Valentine's Day for myself.
12. Where did most of your money go?
Rent, food and bills.
13. What did you get really excited about?
Getting a full time job, finding a home for The Man and I, and picking out Leia.
14. What song will always remind you of 2012?
Call me maybe. ONLY because it's the most annoying song in the WORLD.
15. Compared to this time last year, are you:

– happier or sadder? Happier. Crazy eyes happy.
– thinner or fatter? Fatter. It's all the happiness, I've gained 10 lbs since the beginning of the year.
– richer or poorer? Richer, though I can hardly tell.
16. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Being creative, read, spend time with my nephew.
17. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Stressing over things that don't exist.
18. How did you spend Chanukah/Christmas?
I don't celebrate Chanukah, but Christmas was spent among The Man's family and mine. It was such a good Christmas!
19. What was your favorite TV program?
Grey's Anatomy, The Big Bang Theory, The Office
20. What were your favorite books of the year?
I have read quite a few and they all were favorites. I read The Iron Fey series (Ah-mazing!), The Mortal Instruments (Read it! The movies start soon!), and one of my all time favorites Perks of Being a Wallflower.
21. What was your favorite music from this year?

I am a huge fan of musicals so I love Glee remakes (shoot me) and Broadway Radio on Pandora. The newer bands that have come out get to me also. I love Fun, The Killers, Hunter Hayes, Mumford and Sons and The Civil Wars.
22. What were your favorite films of the year?
The Avengers (come on guys, if you didn't expect me to say that one then you really don't know me.) I watched 50/50 this year and loved it, just not sure if it came out this year or not... Also, Sherlock Holmes 2. Mmmmm Robert Downey Jr...
23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 23, had a day off, ate sushi and cuddled with my man.
24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
If I could void out January through April out of my mind haha.
25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
Sloppy. I have made efforts to dress up more than the year before, what with the new job and all, but I'm still addicted to my jeans and t-shirts. Oversized ones, mind you.
26. What kept you sane?
Blogs. Friends (seriously, if it wasn't for them, I'd probably still be in the situation I was in this time last year.). The Man.
27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012.
Don't' settle for less. Ever.
Don't do it over a job, don't do it over school, don't do it over relationships. Truly, we have one life to live and if you just settle, it will never feel like it was worth living at all.

Ok, so there it was. My 2012.

Now tell me about yours!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Well, let's get started!

Hey everyone!

I'm going to start off by telling you a few things about me...

My name is Melanie. My mother named me after she read a book that involved a southern belle. Mind you, my mother was living in Buffalo, New York at the time and wanted me to be a sweet and kindhearted person. HA!

I love Captain America. Truly. If I could somehow be Captain America, I would.

I am 23 and I live in East Tennessee with my 27 year old boyfriend who I deem as "The Man". I am well aware that I live in the bible belt and probably have ruined a few opinions of me for deciding to live with The Man, but you know what? Who cares? I am happy, alive, loved and preparing for our future together.

I have a dog named Princess Leia, but she answers to Leia or Bitch. (not kidding, and it's probably my fault... oopsie!) She is a boweimar, a mix between a boxer and weimaraner. She is gorgeous. I love her.

Ok, enough with the boring stuff...

I am starting this blog because I think a lot. I tend to be creative and never have had an outlet to just spit it all out to.. So, here I am! I'm a baby to all of this, still learning the kinks and such of the blog world, but I will take help from ANYONE. This has no motive other than to let my ADHD type of brain run free and hopefully find others out there with a brain like mine.

So, until my next post, here is a picture of my baby girl!